Summer Courses on “Climate Change and International and EULaw/ The obligation of international cooperation on mitigation and adaptation to climate change”
The JEAN MONNET CHAIR ON EUROPEN CLIMATE OF CHANGE – REACT is pleased to announce the 1 ST Summer Courses on “Climate Change and International and EU Law/ The obligation of international cooperation on mitigation and adaptation to climate change” directed to students at large, PhD students, Erasmus and international students during which a mixture of traditional ex cathedra lectures will be delivered by academics and practitioners with additional activities that will include a half-day roundtable. The Summer Courses will be held in a hybrid format (in person and online via the teams platform) from 5 to 9 June 2023 in Cagliari, Italy in AULA MAGNA BAFFI, viale Sant’Ignazio 74 from 9
to 17.30.
The Summer Course will focus on the international law responses to climate change. The complex phenomenon of climate change upends many constants of international law and calls for innovative solutions. Its unprecedented traits as a global threat, where scientific knowledge continuously evolves, its institutional arrangements and the multiplicity of
actors involved in climate change governance have put a strain on international law and led to bold and groundbreaking normative developments, such as the principles of adaptation, mitigation and non-regression, the common but differentiated responsibilities, the emissions’ trade and the concept of nationally determined contributions and how their implementation can be monitored. The Summer Course will approach the evolving climate change regime dealing into a variety of crucial aspects relating to climate change in contemporary international and EU law.
The director of the 1th JMC Summer Course is:
Prof. Francesca Ippolito, Associate Professor of International Law and Jean Monnet Chair Holder European Climate of Change- React, University of Cagliari